Parent Portal Enrollment Forms

We use a online system to allow you to submit paperwork electronically. If you have any issues with these forms feel free to print them and then return them as a packet to the front office.
The attachments are located below:
You will need to print out the following forms. Please check your printer setting and make sure to preview page BEFORE PRINTING! The margins are narrow and it will not print correctly if you don't check it first.
Each child will need their own forms.
Please click on this link for a enrollment package. This does NOT guarantee a spot for your child.
Fees for in home daycare location
Shot Record Form
Supply List
Medical Permission Form -Each child needs it IF they have medication we give to them at the center.
Covid Guidelines
Payment options: Cash, Check, Charge, Money Orders, Direct Deposit, Online payment service: My Procare
Payment Service:
The service will allow you to pay online and email a receipt to you. Credit card payments are charged a 2% processing fee.
If you use the Debit card make sure it's no fee option.
Tuition Express Authorization: Setting up direct deposit will save you $25 per month and no service fees.
CCCAP (Colorado Child Care Assistance Program)
Mesa County Workforce Center can assist you in qualifying for assistance. We accept 50% of capacity for CCCAP. Please check for CCCAP availability before listing EVLC as your service provider.
$38 for the supplies each school year.
$30 registration fee.
Tuition is paid in advance of the first week of care.
Health Appraisal- Annual Physical
The child's doctor will need to sign it. Your child must have a physical within the last 12 months. You may enroll your child in advance if you can show us that the child will have a well child Check-up in the next thirty days. If you have concerns or issues finding a doctor please talk with Julie.
Meals: We do not provide meals at Eagle View learning Center. You will need to pack lunch for your child. Please include two ice packs. Use a well insulated lunch bag.
For children that are missing a lunch we will provide a cold sack lunch for $5.00.
We will have our first snack time between 8:30-9 am. Afternoon snack time is 2:30-3 pm. The center provides snacks.
Snack Day
Once a month your child will be assigned a special day for them to be student of the day. On this day your child gets special privileges such as line leader, door holder, snack helper ect. Your child will be asked to bring something special to show the class and answer questions about themselves. It is a excellent day for students to show off their favorite things. We believe it builds self confidence and helps children increase their social skills. On this day parents are asked to supply a snack to share with the class. If at anytime you are unable to provide a snack please contact the director. We want to help out in any way we can.
Please label all your children's personal items. Children's belongings will be kept in cubbies for each child to store their coats and backpacks.
Please bring in a SMALL BACKPACK to store your child's items.
Angels Among Us family childcare Home
Meals at the home location are provided. We provide breakfast, two snacks and a hot lunch. We have each family bring a large box of crackers and fortified cereal per month for each child.